Open Letter to Joel Belz Regarding President Trump

By Gerald Christian Nordskog

Re: Voices/Joel Belz opinion, “Dilemma 2020—Candidates from the Barrel Bottom” —September 14, 2019 issue of World Magazine.

Dear Editor:

I am very glad Donald Trump is our president. He has courage and integrity, is strong and wise on many if not most issues in America. I regret Mr. Belz, whom has distinguished himself for decades in World Magazine, has resorted to name calling, and wishy-washy comments about Trump, whom has been chosen by the people and providentially by the Almighty loving Triune God. 

Joel, you are behaving like you are holier than thou, calling out our president, beloved by probably a majority of Americans. You negatively refer to a president-supporting “these folks.” You refer to me and the electorate who proudly voted Mr. Trump into office, and I pray will do so again, or if not we are in deep trouble. You say: “our president also manages to cloud these good things with behavior that is arrogant, untruthful, divisive, and even blasphemous.”  And I know I speak for many World readers, too, that these comments are nonsensical and out of line, especially from a Christian publisher. 

Your comment, “But that doesn’t mean they should try so frantically to make him the hero he clearly isn’t,” was uncalled for denigrating our 45th president.  We are to consider others more highly than ourselves, a good idea that Scripture shouts to us these days. I certainly concur with your final sentence of “Dilemma 2020” opining: “But it could also be Trump himself, humbled and renewed by a sovereign God.” 

Amen to that. 

We did not put him in to the White House because he was a choir boy. Nonetheless, his mother was a believer, and Trump himself has confessed Christ as his Savior and Lord since becoming the leader of our land in the executive branch. We did put him office because he had tremendous leadership skills and is courageous and disciplined, as opposed to the timidity of so many Christian pastors and congregants. 

Joel, please recant your negativity toward the man in the White House! 

Gerald Christian Nordskog, President 

Nordskog Publishing, Ventura, California

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