What Every Candidate for Public Office Needs to Know about Abortion

As a candidate for public office, you took a solemn oath1* to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The most devastating enemy of our Constitution and nation is legalized abortion.

In 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court in its decisions of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton established abortion on demand, up to the moment of birth, in all 50 states for any pregnant woman or girl2. Since then, a broad spectrum of evidence from sonograms to DNA has shown the product of conception to be a unique, individual human being. Those Court decisions established an unprecedented national policy resulting in the unrestrained killing of innocent human beings.

In his dissent from those Court decisions, Justice White, joined by Justice Rehnquist, wrote, 

I find nothing in the language or history of the Constitution to support the Court’s judgment. The Court simply fashions and announces a new constitutional right for pregnant mothers and, with scarcely any reason or authority for its action, invests that right with sufficient substance to override most existing state abortion statutes”3.

To date, over 60 million surgical abortions4 have been performed in America. This body-count challenges comprehension, exceeding the entire population of our west coast states. This killing impacts the aborting woman, her subsequent children, and our nation. 

  • Compared to child-bearing women, women who have aborted have over 2 ½ times the suicide rate5; have an increased prevalence of self-destructive behavior with anger, alcohol and drugs6; have increased complications in subsequent pregnancies6; and have increased susceptibility to breast and cervical cancers7. The societal results are increased medical costs, lowered productivity, and increased societal instability.
  • Subsequent children are faced with increased risk of death by ectopic pregnancy6, increased risk of low birth-weight and its attendant inadequately developed organs8, and increased risk of pre-termdelivery resulting in cerebral palsy, respiratory distress syndrome, epilepsy, and blindness8.
  • Our nation has been crippled by 1/3 of America’s workforce age 48 and under having been aborted. For 49 years we have been below population replacement rate9 and now contemplate unsustainable Social Security or Medicare while illegal immigration fulfills our labor needs. 
  • For those with a grasp of Judeo-Christian scripture and doctrine, repentant aborting mothers and fathers can have God’s forgiveness10, however, an uncorrected national policy of innocent bloodshed leads to national alienation from God and national destruction11.

In summary, abortion kills children, wounds women and men, and destroys nations. 

So, what does this mean to you as a candidate for public office? Our foundational principle of an inalienable right to life12 has been challenged by Roe and Doe. Statutes and ordinances have since expanded those Court decisions. That expansion has been caused by lesser magistrates than the Court itself, positions such as you will hold if elected. The correct application of your Oath of Office is to rebuff Roe and Doe, and to govern consistent with the intent of government clearly stated in our Declaration of Independence. That intent is to secure the right to life for all people, including the preborn child13. Elected officials should be working toward making abortion illegal as quickly as possible and to significantly reduce abortions until that objective is achieved.

Whatever office you seek, there is action you can take toward restoring the unalienable right to life in America. Your action is limited only by your ingenuity and the integrity of your Oath of Office. Stand firm on your Oath and renew the American dream, starting with the right to life.      


  1. California Elections Code, Section 200-202 California Constitution, Article 20, Section 3
  2. Roe v. Wade, 410 US 113, Article XI, 30-33,35,36
  3. Roe v Wade, 410 US 113. This opinion also applies to Doe v Bolton (no.70-40), p 201, infra.
  4. http://www.nrlc.org/uploads/factsheets/FS01AbortionintheUS.pdf
  5. http://afterabortion.org/2001/suicide-rate-higher-after-abortion-study-shows
  6. http://www.life.org.nz/abortion/abortionmedicalkeyissues/riskectopicpregnancy/
  7. http://www.pregnantpause.org/safe/bcancer2.htm
  8. http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/17/health/low-birth-weight-autism/index.html
  9. http://www.susps.org/overview/birthrates.html
  10. 1 John 1:9 ;  2 Corinthians 7: 10
  11. Isaiah 10:1-4 ;  Jeremiah 19: 4-6
  12. The Declaration of Independence. On Jan 3, 2007 Congress placed the Declaration of Independence at the beginning of the U.S. Code, under the heading “The Organic Laws of the United States of America”.
  13. California Penal Code, Section 187

The original of this essay appeared as an attachment with a circular e-mail from Crusade for Life.

©2022 Used by Permission

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