President Biden, Donald Trump, and Existential Threats to Democracy

In his January 6 speech at Valley Forge, President Biden called Donald Trump and his followers despicable and existential threats to democracy

Accordingly, on the ground of a bad interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment, states are attempting to remove Donald Trump from primary elections over the activities of January 6, 2020 in DC as insurrection, a supposed crime no jurisdiction has charged or convicted anyone of. Rather, states charge Trump with obscure crimes upon dubious law they can’t seem to prove with evidence, but must convict by judicial fiat. The Left has thus weaponized law against its own citizens, while they systematically reject equal protection of individual life, liberty and property. This is democracy.

The real point here is that if we admit the concept of democracy, we have already admitted defeat and the end of the American Christian experiment in self-government.

Pure democracy knows no constitutional limits to the supposed desires of the people. Our founders knew historic democracy as an instrument of popular manipulation to gain authoritarian power by an elite, powerful and wealthy ruling class. Democracy atomizes society as only the social order matters, not individuals, families, or geographic communities. Our founders knew that democracy always decays into power bases and thug politics. Democracy reduces those outside the ruling class to serfdom. Because democracy represents power politics, many insiders don’t fare much better, as Henry VIII’s friends learned. It is a vicious system. The deceitful notion of democracy as collectively representing the individual by vote has succeeded in a fundamental and massive change in the American system away from our republican roots particularly since the Civil War. Even our election laws have become essentially democrat in character, such as by concentrating power in the city populations centers, and why we find it so hard to beat the Left by vote. Democracy as the instrument of power ultimately equals tyranny. This is the democracy President Biden and his friends cherish in their desire to “fundamentally change” America.

Our founders thus adamantly refused democracy as the basis of the American system. The founders designed America to limit arbitrary political power, and protect the individual from it. 

If America is properly a republic, what does that mean? Moses provided the basis for God-centered representative self-government in Deuteronomy (1:13-17 and 16:18-20) under God’s Law—the Ten Commandments, their case law applications in the four Books of Moses and the prophets, and interpretation in the New Testament. The Hebrew Republic model includes relational representation by election, usually starting with local, face-to-face caucuses among neighbors.  

Covenant, or constitution in civil terms prescribe the foundational agreement of our association, including what specific and limited liberties we yield in favor of corrective justice. Constitutions and legislative law define mutual understanding of Biblical Law and justice in a particular jurisdiction.

With Apostle Paul, we invoke Law only over the Lawless. Otherwise we walk in liberty and justice alongside our neighbors (2 Corinthians 3:17-18; Isaiah 9:7, etc.). We do not regulate conduct in advance, as if everyone were a child or criminal. America denied this historic, paternalistic view in favor of the Biblical pattern—restrain and punish only the evil doer according to his actions. 

Summarizing the Law and the Prophets, the Two Commandments of Christ provide the means to handle the problems of scale in the population and geography. Love God identifies the vertical, authority component of relationships. Love your neighbor as yourself provides the horizontal and peer component, limited to Biblical charity, and salt and light influence. American federalism codifies the theme of the Two Commandments, restricting government stewardship authority in the greater spheres to that not doable in lesser spheres. For example, a mobile criminal should not escape justice because he can move from one jurisdiction to another. 

We learn separation of power from Isaiah where “the LORD is our Judge… our Lawgiver…  our King (executive)” (Isaiah 33:22). Knowing the sinfulness of man, the founders separated these functions as a hedge against sinful collected power.

This, essentially, is the historic, Biblical, American system. It is God’s kingdom administered by His people, for His overt glory. This is the necessary foundation of godly and free institutions. Americans must relearn their true, hard-won heritage if we will ever again find government as the protector of justice and liberty.

What then is the existential threat?  Is it Donald Trump and many others seeking to eject unelected deep-state operatives and renegade judges from power, and restore the Republic? Or is it democracy as an excuse for tyranny and enslaving the people, the means to a nefarious end? Continued democracy as great power at the top will destroy what is left of the American republic. Thus, I pray Donald Trump and all Christian-liberty-loving Americans will indeed become an existential threat to the sham democracy the Left seeks in its proposed overthrow of godly, relational, Constitutional government. 

Please stop calling America’s societal system a democracy.

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2 Responses to President Biden, Donald Trump, and Existential Threats to Democracy

  1. jeffrey daly January 25, 2024 at 9:27 pm #

    outstanding! Thank you Ron for a powerful, insightful word for each one of us. Well done, well done ! May our “leaders” awaken and return us to His original pattern in this God-inspired republic, given through His Holy Spirit to our forefathers. God bless you–

  2. Insectman January 26, 2024 at 12:35 am #

    Excellent information!

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