Win Against ‘Smart Growth’

I’ve told you many times about the dangers of Smart Growth, a major part of Agenda 21
used in almost every city in the nation to control local development under the battle cry
And I’ve warned you about non-elected regional councils that can include up to 10–15
counties – all forced to impose the same one-size-fit-all policies, all dictated by federal
Well, just weeks ago a new scheme to greatly empower this system of change and
control was introduced. 
The plan, called RegionSmart, was developed by several of the usual players with the
goal to end representative government, private property, and free enterprise.  
Bills were introduced in the House and Senate of all three state legislatures to create a
RegionSmart Development District” that would throw a net of control over portions of
all three states.       
The Bills were designed to create a “quasi-governmental and public entity.” To put that
bureaucratic language into understandable English, the unelected Development District
would work directly with private, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to impose
their private agendas – usually under the excuse of Climate Change fears. 
These anti-private property, anti-free enterprise, anti-personal transportation forces
would work in partnership with the unelected Development District to determine
coordination of streets and highways, water supply, sewage, conservation controls, and
land use patterns, to name just a few of the targets. 
Once these RegionSmart Development Districts are in place, your elected
representatives – which you chose to guide your community – would be shoved aside
by those non-elected councils.

Concerned citizen activists in Tennessee, who fully understand this globalist threat,
contacted the American Policy Center (APC), desperate for help. 
APC’s Vice President, Kathleen Marquardt, began to research the situation. She found
that the RegionSmart plan is strongly backed by the nation’s richest and most powerful

investment force, systematically grabbing up millions of acres of private land in cities
and rural areas, to control how it’s to be used. That organization is
called BlackRockThey are to be feared.
As Kathleen learned more of this outrageous scheme to completely change our system
of representative government into a Green New Deal dictatorship, she began to pull all
of the facts together. She then wrote a detailed expose’ revealing the danger. 
Those dedicated activists in Tennessee then sent copies of Kathleen’s article to
every single member of the Tennessee state legislature.
The legislators were shocked. They had no idea how evil this scheme was. Or the
dangers it posed to their own ability to legislate the will of those who elected them. 
The bill had already passed out of committee in both houses of the Tennessee
legislature – on its way to a floor vote by the entire body. Almost immediately, the bill
was pulled and stopped from further consideration
Next, after witnessing what had happened in Tennessee, the Mississippi legislature also
pulled the bill. 

But, then a legislator in Tennessee attempted to add the RegionSmart bill to another
piece of legislation and try to sneak it through. 
He couldn’t do it – because APC’s activists were there – ready and waiting for
So, the RegionSmart scheme has been stopped! All because dedicated freedom
fighters stood up and said no! 

It’s a major victory, and Kathleen and I were so gratified when the leader of the activists
from Tennessee sent us a letter stating, “We owe a large debt of gratitude to the
American Policy Center and to the author of the article, Kathleen Marquardt.”

But we can’t just sit back and bask in the victory. These are powerful forces behind this
scheme. They have spent a lot of time and money preparing it. They don’t intend to quit.
They will be back, more determined than ever. 
APC needs to be ready. We need to reach activists in every state and assure that they
are ready to take strong action immediately when the threat reappears. 
APC answered the call for help from the activist in Tennessee. Now we must stay
strong to do it again and again across the country. 
Together you and I can do this! 

The original of this article appeared in a circular email on May 4, 2022.
© 2022 Used with permission

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3 Responses to Win Against ‘Smart Growth’

  1. Richard W Hawkins July 3, 2022 at 12:22 pm #

    Tom speaks of 3 states attempting this chicanery but only identifies 2 of those 3. What is the third state?

    • Ron Kirk July 5, 2022 at 3:24 pm #

      Checking on that, Richard… ed.

    • Ron Kirk July 5, 2022 at 6:36 pm #

      From Tom DeWeese: “Arkansas is the third state. We have clearly mentioned it. But I mention specifically Tennessee and Mississippi because those legislatures clearly pulled their bills, killing the scheme. I don’t have e info about Arkansas doing that. But it doesn’t matter because the actions in the other two states killed it. Tom”

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