Christians Repenting for Being White

Let me bid a fond farewell to some of you who will read this. Because after some of you read this, you will not read anything I write, again.

There is no doubt that the actions of one police officer were heinous. There is no question that we should all be outraged at anyone who believes in murdering someone, simply because of the color of their skin. As a nation we must stand together to rid ourselves of the scourge of hatred.

But will the way we are going about it make any difference? And why are Christians acting weird?

Something strange is in the neighborhood: Christians and preachers who have yet to repent before God for grieving the Holy Spirit, for preaching an artificial Gospel, or for their silence on abortion and sexual sin are, instead, repenting for being white.

They are reading a script handed them from the Left. They are not repenting of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow Laws, or racist cops. They are repenting of whiteness.

Asking someone to apologize for being white is as odious as asking a black person to repent for being black. The color of one’s skin does not make them racist. I will go so far as to say that believing racism comes from the color of someone’s skin, is itself racist — the very worst kind of racism.

Nazi’s hated Jews, not because of anything they had done, but merely for being Jews. How is this emerging idea about the crime of ‘whiteness’ any different? I don’t care who you are, do you want to sow that seed into the heart of your child? And where will it end?

This tactic is not new. Some years ago, feminist scientists decided that testosterone was evil. In other words, manhood is intrinsically evil. They actually had a plan for eradicating your husbands, sons, brothers, fathers, and grandfathers. The current term is toxic masculinity.

Does someone need to explain Marxism to you again? Leftists need to incite blind rage. Everywhere a Communist revolution has taken place, it was fueled by hate. It identified certain groups as deserving any and all punishment. Again, not for what they had ever done, but simply because of who they were.

Chinese Communism identified Christians as evil and slaughtered them. In other countries they slaughtered Buddhists. At this hour, a great horror is unfolding in India where hundreds of Churches are being burned and Christians are being forced to engage in animism.

How many ways can I tell you that leftists do not really care about you? They need you, as Americans, to be in such a blind rage, that you will not see what they are doing behind your back. For decades Democrats have had unquestioned power over our inner cities. You want to talk about supremacy? That is supremacy! And what have they done for those citizens? What became of the trillions of dollars sent to those places to improve them? Show me a city run by Democrats for decades, and I will show you a city in decay.

On the same weekend that we honored George Floyd, 28 murders in the black sections of Chicago went unnoticed. Do black lives really matter to the media?

The Left, like locusts, move on to a new field after they have consumed the old field. Right now, the Left has set its sights on Latinos. That’s because there are more of us. Next, they will get us angry and grieved. They want Latino children to feel like victims. They will leave the Black community behind as soon as their votes don’t matter anymore.

What does all this anger and rage do to us? It causes inner city children to waste time — time they could use to build a future. Villains have forced them to put their lives on hold — to make them feel victimized — to enrage them to do acts of violence. And when that crime is permanently on their record, and when that moment of rage has ruined their chances for a career… do you think any of these Marxists are going to come around and fix their family?

Shame on these Christians who won’t pray right or repent correctly. What an offense to a heart-broken God Who is trying to save our nation, that you would engage in Pharisaical grandstanding, just to look ‘woke’ in the eyes of those we should never try to impress.

But it is not too late! You can turn that pseudo-repentance into true repentance. God can expose the Left, the evil they are doing, and their long-term goals. Right now, America is sick of the division and the hatred — and they do not care anymore where that hatred is coming from. Americans do not want to replace old hate with new hate, or old racism for new racism.

The only force able to save America is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The only love that can stop the crushing cycle of oppression and hatred is the love of God. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, now that you realize your need for repenting—for God’s sake, don’t repent for being white, repent for sinning against the Lord.

NPI Note: The Biblical answer to any condition we find ourselves in is simple and clear. Christians may not rightly complain to God who created and redeemed us, Why have you made me thus? — Romans 9:20. Moreover, “He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.”—Acts 17:26 ©NKJV.

— ed.

The original of this article appeared on the Mario Murillo Ministries website on June 10, 2020.

©2020 Used by Permission

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