Archive | Christmas

From St. Nicholas to Santa Claus

Guest essay by Jerry Newcombe I recently asked my three-year old granddaughter—a major joy in my life—whose birthday we celebrate at Christmas time. “Uh,” she responded, “Santa Claus?” D’oh! Some people think Santa Claus is upstaging Jesus. I remember a controversial cover of Christianity Today long ago, showing Santa Claus crucified on a cross, hung […]

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Reclaiming Christmas

Guest essay by Terry Paulson John Gibson, in “The War on Christmas,” writes, “In the United States of America, a nation overwhelmingly Christian, literally any sign of Christmas in public can now lead to complaints, litigation, angry protests, threats, and bruised feelings. … Secular liberals say they’re just protecting the constitutional rights of non-Christians who […]

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That “Miracle Message”

by Annette Adams Yes, it’s time for that “Miracle Message” again:“God really came down to this earth!”‘Didn’t come like a king, rather did everythingTo humble Himself in His birth. God’s love con-descended, estrangement was ended,We all could become reconciled.Though we were sin-blighted, His death re-unitedUs to this great God-in-Christ-Child. From manger to man covered such […]

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Christmas—God’s Gift of Salvation

The Real Majority It is generally recognized that 96% of Americans celebrate Christmas.  For one wondrous season, the overwhelming majority of people in the most powerful nation on earth pause to recognize God’s most precious gift to the world—His only Son, a baby sent to earth and born to die for our sins.  Granted, not […]

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