Author Archive | Nordskog Publishing

Christopher Columbus

Excerpted from America’s God and Country: Encylopedia of Quotationsedited by William Federer Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), after seven years of trying to convince the monarchs of Europe to finance his expedition, won the support of Queen Isabella of Castille and King Ferdinand Aragon. Columbus set sail on August 3, 1492, and after the longest voyage ever […]

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Where Are We Going?

by Dan SmithwickPresident, Nehemiah Institute In 1986, our ministry developed a unique biblical worldview assessment tool called the PEERS Test. The assessment was designed to reflect an individual’s basic ‘worldview position’ in five key areas of life: Politics, Economics, Education, Religion and Social Issues (P-E-E-R-S). Using a scale of +100 to -100, results of the […]

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James Madison, “Father of the Constitution”

by James and Barbara Rose “What we know today about the (Constitutional) Convention we owe largely to (Madison’s) daily record of all that transpired.  Day after day for the entire 99 days, this man, who was always in frail health, never missed attendance.  He said later that the ordeal almost killed him, but, nevertheless, he […]

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An Introduction to Bullies and the U.S. Constitution for Young People

by Ronald W. Kirk As a long time teacher, I know how hard it is to get peoples’ attention—young people’s attention especially. Things like America’s early history, Pilgrims, Founding Fathers and Constitutions and such may not make much sense to those who live on the Internet, IPods, video games, texting, hanging out—whatever. Do I really […]

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Protest of State Department Report to United Nations Human Rights Council

Dear Madame Secretary: The purpose of this letter is express my concern and indignation to you about the “Universal Periodic Review” report (“Report”) submitted on August 20, 2010, by the United States Department of State to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The State Department describes the Report as a “partial snapshot of […]

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Mosque near Ground Zero will be the Symbolic Islamic Victory Flag Hoisted over the Rubbles of American Icon—WTC.

By Syed Kamran Mirza It will be a mortal mistake for America to allow this Mosque to be built so close to the Ground Zero. Like it or not, this Mosque will be the iconic symbol of Islamic victory flag hoisted over the WTC rubbles—meaning humiliating defeat of infidel America by the Islamic jihadis. Mosque […]

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Honoring America’s Founding Principles

by Terry Paulson Must America’s founding principles be changed to meet the challenges of our age? Are we defined by a place and a people or by the shared principles we embrace and preserve? In his farewell address, George Washington warned, “Toward the preservation of your government…it is requisite…that you resist with care the spirit […]

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When our leaders used to call us to prayer and fasting

by William J. Federer To punish Massachusetts for the Tea Party, King George III decided to destroy its economy by blockading Boston’s harbor on June 1, 1774. Thomas Jefferson drafted a Resolution for a “Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer” to be observed the same day. It was introduced in the Virginia House of Burgesses […]

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