Author Archive | Jerry Newcombe

On The Origins of the Thanksgiving Holiday…Teaching us to Give Thanks in All Circumstances

By Jerry Newcombe How would you like to set yourself up for almost guaranteed disappointment? Despite how much good you do, if you expect gratitude from other human beings, you will often be let down. One time Jesus healed ten lepers, but only one came back to say, “Thank you,” and he was of a […]

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Obamacare Decision Proves Elections Matter

By Jerry Newcombe My first reaction to the Obamacare decision was: Well, it was a great country while it lasted. My second reaction to the Obamacare decision is to re-remember just how important elections are. Elections have far-reaching consequences. Obviously, the president nominates the judges (who generally serve for life), and the senate confirms (or […]

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Did You Know This About the Declaration of Independence?

by Jerry Newcombe Which type of religious leaders directly/indirectly contributed to America’s Declaration of Independence? a. Islamic mullahs b. Presbyterian elders c. Catholic bishops d. Quaker ministers The answer is Presbyterian elders. Here is a portion of the chapter on Christianity and the Declaration of Independence from One Nation Under God: Ten Things Every Christian […]

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I Like Christine O’Donnell, And My Gut Tells Me She’s Right and Her Critics Wrong

by Jerry Newcombe If I lived in Delaware (and I wish I did for only one day—November 2, 2010), I’d vote for Christine O’Donnell for senator. Why? Because she promises to oppose the furtherance of the Obama-Reid-Pelosi agenda. And I believe her. That alone suffices for me in this race. With all the terrible things […]

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