May the Star of Bethlehem Shine Again!

The Star of Bethlehem Light has not been allowed to shined sufficiently or fully during the discourse in media broadcasts and interviews this past weekend (that I observed) as concerns the horrific mass murders of numerous children and adult victims At Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut last Friday.  What are some reasons our culture has deteriorated so drastically that it spawns such tragedies as this over the past two and a half decades?

One TV show I viewed the guest speaker commented that 99% of the people are good, and the bad gunman belonged to the 1% of the population that is bad. Yet I think we are shortsighted if we believe this. Just think of other mass murders and riots and revolutions in Europe, the Arab nations, Africa — and increasingly in our own nation. 

We need to realize that most of our society has systematically marginalized God out of our culture. Because of this we have fallen far in our fallen world.  Examples abound: violent TV shows and movies…. and on the internet, sick music, violent video games…. the proliferation of pornography and human trafficking, the deliberate pre-meditated killing of babies by mothers (and often fathers) with well over 50-million preborn children aborted in the past forty years – including about 3700 babies snuffed out daily including last Friday.  It becomes more and more clear that the Bible’s judgment that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” is true and tangibly real.

One of the most powerful influences in our society is the government and union controlled public school system with its outlets in every city and hamlet across America. The public school system is void of the Truth, has turned its back on God’s Ten Commandments, and as its government mandated purposeful policy, totally ignores God in the classroom.

The generations that have gone to these schools and been taught that God is either irrelevant or does not exist has lost their moorings and the anchor of God’s Commandments. These humanistic schools fail further in that they do not teach the real nature of human beings who, far from being naturally good, need to be delivered out of sin by the One whose star over Bethlehem proclaimed His coming.

The King of kings has come into the world to save sinners from our broken relationship with the Heavenly Father. Anybody and everybody who seeks and confesses Jesus as the Lord is promised salvation and new life and receives enabling power, comfort, peace and joy from God’s Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ. This rebirth brings us a new attitude, a new heart, to allow change to take place within our internal and eternal soul, so our emotions — our minds begin to transform for good personally and thus culturally, reducing the spiral of death and destruction one person at a time.  

Shine again O Star of Bethlehem!  Announce again the birth of Baby Jesus, the Savior of the world to change our sinful lives, and broken families, and this declining culture. May we, through Him, celebrate Joy to the World, The Christ of Christmas, the Prince of Peace has come. 

Gerald Christian Nordskog
Ventura, California
(805) 642-2070

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