A Brief American History

Guest Essay by Billy Falling

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder” (Isaiah 9:6a).  “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end…”  (Isaiah 9:7a).  “…to proclaim liberty to the captives,…” (Isaiah 61:1b).

The Great Depression of the 30’s was healed by the Industrial Military Complex of the 40’s that was born out of necessity for survival due to World War II in America.  The industrialized nations of the world, namely England, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Japan were devastated.  By default, America arose to become the richest, most powerful nation in the history of the world.  The ideologies (Satanic strongholds) of Nazism, fascism, socialism, and soon to fall communism had been defeated; albeit, it took a Korean War, Vietnam War, and the Cold War to bring down the militarily constructed Soviet Union.  Ronald Reagan and the Arms Race simply bankrupted it.  As our nation grew, so did the Church in America.  The seeds of the Reformation and the biblical principles of civil government had grown, prospered, and thrived after a Civil War to end slavery.  America became the Promised Land to the Gentile world.  Its mission–“Evangelize the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ and teach the nations of the world God’s system of justice and governmental principles that He wills for the earth.”  America had become the laboratory for freedom for the human race.  That is our mission and our destiny.

Conceived during the persecution by none other than the apostate church and born out of the tribulation of the unbearable heresy of the Divine Right of Kings (Lex Rex v. King George III), the Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War, Constitution, and Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments and ratified in 1791), forever sealed America’s Manifest Destiny.  We were to bless the world with the Christian faith and biblical civil government.

Our Founders premised our government upon the doctrine of original sin.  Man is a sinner, not an angel, and his government must be bound down by the chains of the Constitution.  The power of government must be divided in order to prevent its corrupting influence to give birth to tyranny.  History has proven that to be the result without this separation of power.  Now, along comes Barack Obama.  He wants to change America to fit his ideas of government–a mixture of Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, Black Liberation Theology as preached by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and his own God complex.  “It ain’t gonna happen.”
In our great but brief history, we as a nation have experienced spiritual highs and lows.  The Great Awakenings have brought us back to God and our faith.  Now, it is time for the Third Great Awakening for America, a return to the God of our faith, and the moral and spiritual values that made us the country that we are.  “…and the government shall be upon HIS SHOULDERS.”  The “new” America is the “old” America reborn. 

Billy Falling is Pastor Emeritus of Faith Center of Escondido and a citizen of the Cherokee Nation and the author of My Cherokee Roots: Out of the Dog Creek Hills. 

Stay tuned and support The Internet Church, International.  Billy Falling, Pastor and Headmaster, The Internet Church, International, P.O. Box 440, Chula Vista, CA 91912.

This article is from a circular email published June 11, 2014.

© 2014. Used by Permission

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